Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 9, 2013

QWeekly - NUYOU Photoshoot and how i kena snook repeatedly this week


My week's been pretty....

Yeah that's what i meant. My week's been pretty! Haha. Started off with a photoshoot and interview for NUYOU magazine. It's for their November issue ^.^

Yeah, one more magazine conquered. Lol. Remember i was saying i wanna appear in all the magazines at least once right haha. So this is one more down the list! =D Haha.

Always happy when i can go bare face and let people do the job cox that means i can have more sleep O.O But always skeptical and anxious cox don't know who will be doing the makeup and hair.
When i got to the studio i was happy to know it's Lolent for my makeup =DDD And Sean for the hair, first time but i guess he'd be good cox Lolent say they work together quite a few times!
All ready~ =D
You can't tell i have double eyelid sticker tape on right. So happy to learn a trick from Lolent, next time i will try to hide my eyelid tape better also hahaha. I have been a disaster of conventional eyelid tapes for the longest time. Unless i use double sided kind then it'd be better lah. But double-sided / fibre ones are very precious to me cox it's more expensive haha so i only use it for special occasions!
One more of me =)))
And makeup artist i can trust~ Haha.
The team for the day, lacking Pei Mei the writer and Pauline!!! =O
And this happened weeks ago but i thought i look quite happy here so.. Haha. Radio interview at 933fm! Happy to be there that night cox it's like answering questions live from readers / listeners =D

Really quite thankful to have all these little features here and there =) I think all little things make big things ^.^ And you gotta be happy and thankful and excited for the little things to get yourself in the swing for big things =D

Anyway i was saying this week i kena snooked a lot right. First, i helped someone who proved that he doesn't deserve help that much at all until i told him i feel he don't deserve help, then only he try to prove otherwise. But you know, help given is help given. It's not like i can take it back. So whatever, he's not getting help from me again, at least that i learnt. End of story for this.

Then i found out how people can pretend to be nice to you when they meet you and then behind you they behave and speak differently of you. Insinuating you don't deserve all the good shit you got.

Yeah really? Is that how "Jealousy" is described in dictionaries? =DDD Haha. I don't deserve then who deserve? You ah? Pff don't make me laugh. As hard as you may try..

I'm still me and you're still you. What am i gonna do? Keep rocking? =X Hahaha. Can't believe i was speaking nice stuff of her. Urgh. Why are people gross sometimes =( Do you get that?

People that somehow think it's okay to pretend to be nice, like aggressively actively pretending to be nice to you when they in fact dislike you, really have to rethink their life.

It'd be perfectly fine for them to just ignore you or even just give you death stare if they are more gutsy right?

I mean. Do they not feel cheap and ashamed of themselves and their dignity when they have to pretend to act super nice to someone they actually dislike and look down upon thinking that they are better than me and yet not getting the credit they deserve? That's really quite sad =X Jiayou ba.

Work on being a better you instead of trying to outdo others. I feel people who constantly try to outdo others will never feel good enough, plus people like this can hardly share other people's joy.

And then i was at Baby Yurou's place and she dropped her dudu (pacifier) and someone pick it up for her and pass it to her. She snatch it back without saying thanks so i said "Yurou ah!!! Cannot like this ah!!!" She make funny faces and boo me and then got her face closer and closer to me.

Last time baby time we always play kok-tao (head bump) with each other and i thought she was gonna do it again so i got my face close to her also and when we touching foreheads, i smile and say "Kok Tao~~" then she slap me in the face =__________="""

Turn out she was still angry i tell her cannot be rude earlier hahaha. Then her mummy scold her right. Then she say sorry reluctantly. Ran away to get her crocodile toytoy..

AND PLACE IT RIGHT UNDER MY CHAIR!!! Hahahahah. It's her attempt to scare and punish me. Thinking i won't dare to put my feet down. Then she look at me and pat the crocodile twice, as if saying "Watch her" And then she gave me gangsta stare as she walk away =_="

I don't know to laugh or to cry!!!

After that i patch things up with her already right. She was drinking her night time milk and then i ask her..

"阿姨可以唱一首歌给你听吗 很好听的 okay?"
"Can ah yi sing a song for you? Very nice one okay?"


"When you wish upon a star~ Makes no difference who...."

*take out the milk bottle from the mouth.. Look at me for a bit..*

And then she finally say the words..

"不好听 你走开"
"It doesn't sound nice, you go away"

不好听就不好听啦 要叫我走开的 meh!!!!!! 也是你讲 okay 要听的 *rage face* Hahaha.

Sigh. Very very hurt. Hahaha.

Then on this bright Sunday morning i set my alarm for 5.30am, it's a HL Milk event for mass yoga. I advance booked a cab the night before cox i scared Punggol got no cab at that time. That's $8.

Then i woke up at 3.24 cox i was too anxious about waking up (early) for something i never did before. And then didn't succeed at going back to sleep. Lol. So i changed out, put on makeup..

And hop onto the cab. It was raining heavily..

And then 5 minutes into the cab ride, i was told the event was cancelled due to bad weather. Lol. In the end my two girlfriend also all made up. So i dabao McDees breakfast for everyone and meet at Gem's place hahah. Thank you ah Gem and Zhen for waking up so freaking early for me!!!

Okay, i told everyone this before..

I don't do so good with morning. I always knew it. Lol.

So this is how i kena snook time and time again this week.

Next week better be ten times better haha. Also.. I am sooooo tempted to book a trip to Japan for December =XXX Should i!!!!! I SHOULD TOTALLY RIGHT??!! Urgh.. I miss Japan so much!!!

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