Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 11, 2013

Go go Sunday

"Eh, sup!" is the way i've been greeting people in real life.. WITHOUT REALISING.

Cox i always "Sup" you all online right. Lolol then i see people i know in real life and i sup them too.

Sup is soooo yesterday but i still sup sup sup think i damn cool hahaha. It's cool thou cox somehow when i sup people IRL they laugh and either ask me "Wah.. Sup ah?" like why i so cool is it? Lolol.

Or people like Mich will go like "Sup your head lah. Sup sup sup" I tell you already. My friends all very rude one. Lolol. But it's okay. I think i damn cool can already. So..


How you been!!! My week was pretty cray O.O I run to the print shop twice and god-knows i hate the whole building where the print shop (the print shop dude is awesome helpful) is cox wtfff it has super bad 3G connection. Most of the time i'm on GPRS........

Anything that can be more uncool and has-been than supping people now.. Has to be GPRS.

It crawls like a turtle and struggle to load something like a 100 year old grandpa trying to tiao disco.

Sibeh dreadful. Uh huh. I also really love this week cox i hang out a lot with my favourite people =)))))) It's the best thing this week except that being busy also means i don't get my free time to go visit babies =((( So i haven't seen Baby Yurou nor Baby Dash for about a week already.

And yesterday was flea day right. Thank you guys so much for coming down okay =D I still have so much stock left even after the flea i might consider selling grab bags online. Let me know if you guys are keen! They are not like ugly leftover or what lah, in case you think they are. It's just some i have 20 pcs of each design to start with, some i have 10. So after selling 9 maybe i still have 1. Lolol.

I have two huge suitcases of good mixture of leftover lah. That's why i think can do grab bag online.

And then after the flea i had a quick meeting with GIRLYMake and Little Thoughts website designer. she worked on rarebits site before and is really efficient and helpful so i work with her again on this two new sites ^.^ Hopefully they'd be up soon!!! ^.^ Girlymake is confirm going live 4th Dec =DDD

So you can buy them lashes online soon~!!!

And today is Sunday right. I have to head out for Budget Barbie filming. It's not that i don't like filming BB but filming on a Sunday T.T If not it's actually my day with Baby Yurou and family.

You know what i mean. And all the next weekends in Dec i have work planned for me. And Dec early i am flying off to Taiwan for an awesome product press conference so if i look at all these together..

I am not sure if i overestimated myself and the number of hands and legs and body i have or i underestimated how cute i am hahahahah that i charge too little for work O.O Hahah.

But either way~!!! I think someday the overestimation and the underestimation will meet somewhere in between. And i might have to fly off in mid Dec to handpick stocks for rarebits relaunch in Jan 2014.

Bam. Bam. Bam. Good year end leads to a great start for 2014.

I know i sound incoherent but it's okay i just have too much things going through my mind now. "What should i dabao for dinner later? Since i'd be in town there's sooooo many choices"

"Holy shit i need to go to H&M to check out if there are any cheap winter clothes for Taiwan trip"

"Omg this hamburger biscuits i'm eating is so yummy"

"I need to shave off my jaw bone holy god"

"Stupid in-grown hair"

*pluck pluck pluck*

I am so deep in thoughts.

I hope your Sunday is good.. Cox that will lead to a great Monday. And a good start is..

A good start. Bahaha.

Good luck!!! GO GO GO!!!


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