My third sister fell sick that day and couldn't join us =( It would have been 20 times more fun with her around cox she is crazy and rude and competitive when playing games. Lolol.
We'd play some kind of ball game every year, if not gamble =XXX Hahah. This year was pingpong and i bet you already seen my instagram video. I suck at ping pong lol.
But i'm pretty good at humthumb-bola hahah. It's just like dodgeball. I had a lot of fun playing with Ah Bong and Naoki and Yurou. Yurou didn't really play, she was just like an obstacle in the game.
You know, like "Avoid the civilians or you lose your life" in a game. Yurou is the thing we cannot hit. Lolol. Or we'd have to die. No like for real i think my dad and her parents will kill us lol.
Dodgeball is always fun for me becox i can use the ball and slamdunk it on Ah Bong's head and then if he ever get hold of the ball and wanna hit me back i'd just scream "不要打我的脸 等一下我鼻子歪掉啊" (Don't hit my face if not later my nose become crooked) and then he'd be a gentleman and just gently throw the ball at my back hahaha. THEN I PICK IT BACK UP AND SMASH IT RIGHT IN HIS FACE HAHAHAHAHA. TAKE THAT SUCKER!!!!! O.O
What. This is how the hierarchy thing works out in the house. Lolol.
Got us all breakfast that morning =DDD And Baby Yurou especially love the hashbrown ^.^ Her shoes cute hor, me and my parents got it for her in Bangkok that time one. SGD6 only!
Me and my niece Naoki =D Holy shit she grow up so fast i don't know why i haven't grown up O.O
Can you believe this was me and her 9 years ago!!! She was only 3 years old O.O
Me and my dad ^.^ As you can see from the crowd behind us.. Kusu Island really is a place where mostly senior citizen goes to lah =X But we love to go every year since decades ago cox it's a family outing thing! I've been for about 20 years omg. Unbelievable how fast time pass.
And for those who think Yurou is a sweetheart.. Hahaha. SHE IS A TERROR!!! You see lah you see! I ask her snap a picture she be like "BU YAO!!! BLEAHHHH" =__="
Bleah one time not enough. Bleah me so long lol. Only her father, brother, ah gong and mother can tahan her. Haha. I no need to tahan her cox i usually gives her what she wants when she stop crying.
My 4th sister and my brother in law ^.^ You think Yurou is look like who leh. I think 50-50.
My second sister and brother-in-law and Naoki ^.^
Me with the two grown-ups in the house haha. Ah Bong and Naoki. Kids these days grow up so fast. We were also missing Niao Niao my sister that day!!! Would be soooooooo fun with her around cox she's so good to bully O.O Hahahah!
Sigh~ Love my family so much. I am SUPER excited that i might just be able to barter trade for a massage chair for my dad. I told him briefly about it and he thought of what i said as a joke.
Next few days is gonna get really packed and i'm really hoping things will all go smooth!!! *fingers crossed* Throw too much $$$ into things they HAVE TO work!!! O.O Good luck to me!
And before things get too crazy.. Just wanna say..
THANK YOU. For reading my blog. For joining my giveaway. For going down to support the charity fleas i've done so far. For getting GIRLY lash. For the nice emails. For liking me.
You guys are really nice and kind =) Thank you!
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