Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 11, 2013

Do the heck you want

Today i was on the phone with a newspaper reporter on topics about social media and at one point we were at the topic about how i distinguish myself.. To make sure that advertisers still come to me even with the rise in numbers of budding bloggers / instagrammers etc

I didn't know how to answer.

And i still don't know how to answer O.O

Sometimes through my friends ((usually Sophie cox she is a very informative (read kaypoh) person hahaha she'd feed us with juice that we are too lazy to go spot / can't be bothered to go find out)) introduction i'd go take a look at other bloggers' instagram / blog and omg O.O

I am going to be out of job soon if they keep being so hardworking hahaha.

It's like.. My blog and instagram is all just me me me me me hey me hey me again. Lolol.

And their blogs / IG be all like BAM BAM BAM snaps after snaps of artsy DSLR quality pictures and fashion shots =O What do they do, they walk around with boom lights and DSLR??? IS IT??? And then find nice brick walls or lie down spontaneously at a patch of green grass =((( *sour*

Lolol. I am joking lah. They never do wrong. I WRONG!!! I LAZY! WO GAI SI! Lol.

*take a look at my own instagram pictures*

*give up*

Lolol. My stupid instagram, Twitter, blog and Dayre is all about my life O.O The people i'm happy with, angry with, things that i am sad about and things that i care about, products and services i love. And.. Food that i find yums haha.

Nothing like fashion-baby or super trendy hahaha. Then i start to gag a bit at my ten thousand selfies. Lolol. Like.. Seriously, i need to like this or not? Every other picture is my face O.O Hahaha.

But then again.. That's all that i care for really O.O Pictures with Baby Yurou, with Dash, with my friends and family and erm.. With myself.. On good days when i put on makeup + dress up decent i'd get Josh to help me snap a OOTD. If not, you only see the shoulder part of my outfit..


Kinda feel i don't deserve the following now. OKAY TIME TO UP MY GAME.

*browse internet for bikini*

Lolol. Kidding, again~ Hahaha. Or maybe it's my sense of humor that people like. But that really wasn't very funny at all. Nothing in this post i find funny so far.

Hmm. Don't feel awkward. Just keep reading. No pressure, you don't have to laugh.

Lolol. I laughed. Hahaha. But hey if you don't find it funny, don't laugh! Okay =DDD

Why are you so grumpy?


Okay no it's really not working is it?

...... YAH! Anyway!

I kinda feel quite bad for people who tweet very funny stuff and then get neglected and the funny stuff just gets lost in Twitter space just becox they don't have a lot of following.

But on the other hand i also despise people who get high following by tweeting stupid BGR quotes like "I hate boys", "Guys, make a girl cry and she'd run", "Calling a girl "Princess" is not enough, you gotta treat her like one", "I can never get over you. I can never get over love" you know, that kind of stupid tweets that people can read off anywhere, just to get retweets.

And then when you ask them (if they are your friend) what happen to them upon seeing those emo tweets, they'd say OH SOMETIMES THEY JUST TWEET THINGS THAT COME TO THEIR MIND, IT DOESN'T ALWAYS MEAN IT'S SOMETHING THEY ARE GOING THROUGH.

Yeah oh really? Then change your Twitter handle to @AuntAgony @RetweetMePlsPlsPls @BGRQuoteMachineGunBiangBiangBiang @KaoBeiForFunOnly @DontMeanIt @JustSaying @iBohliao

Change it. Put your own name for fuck. You put Ted lor. Or Peter Griffin =_=" Sibeh annoying.

I just feel if it's a personal account, it should be about things that either happen to you or things that you care about or things that is just.. YOU lah. How difficult is that a concept to understand?

Okay so i decided already.. If anyone were to ask me.. How do i make people follow me and make advertisers be keen to work with me.. I will tell them..


Omg totally quotable and retweetable. Lolol. Kidding. But even if i were to tweet that, it makes sense cox i really do the heck i want. And i just do them without putting much thoughts into it O.O

Just be yourself.. This sounds super cliche i know but cliche sounds cliche too so screw cliche. You wanna go far, you do yourself. Let other people decide if they like it or not..

Thing is.. Whether or not they like it.. They will come back for it =)

So remind me again why do you follow me here and there and everywhere.

See you at the flea tomorrow (Sat). Yes, pictures allowed =D Let's cam the ho away~!!!

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