Thứ Tư, 3 tháng 12, 2014

My wardrobe clearout



This time i'd bring a lot, a lot, A LOT of clothes.

I'd say a good half of them are brand new and only put on for picture-taking, some are worn once of twice but another half will be from my own wardrobe.

You all probably already know i hardly repeat my outfit and i only keep the clothes that i LOVE lots and is very easy-matching so that i can re-wear them with other things.

But with the pregnancy now.. The limitation of clothes i can wear gets larger and larger haha. So whenever i open my wardrobe.. All i see is a whole bunch of my favourites.. But cannot wear.

And it eats me up a little bit. So i thought, i might as well clear them all out for once!!!

And do a wardrobe clearance!!! And for the time being till i get back in shape haha, i'd just shop and wear, shop and wear. Actually that's what i've been doing for a couple of months now.

Josh is probably gonna kill me if he finds out how much i spent on shopping =X Can't blame me also becox really is nothing to wear in my wardrobe that fits me now. Haha.

ANYWAY! Thanks to For Flea Sake, i'd be clearing ALL my clothes and whatnots this Sunday! There will also be lotsa full size skincare, makeup (skincare and makeup mostly brand new or only tried once) and accessories.

AND SUPER HAPPY THAT YUTAKI AND PXDKITTY IS JOINING ME to clear their items too!!! So if you wanna grab something nice for your boyfriend, be sure to look out for Yutaki's booth beside mine =DDD

This Sunday (7th Dec)
Lucky Plaza Lvl 6
1 - 5pm

Some of the items i'd be clearing off at mostly $1 - $3!!!!!!!
I tried my best to dig what i can reach from the upper deck of my beauty room. But i cannot climb up so i can't bring them down to let you guys have a better look! But here's some that's near the edge lol! Most of them are brand new!!! Bought some of them right before i got preggers T.T And never had the chance to wear them hahaha. NEVERMIND!!! IMMA SHOP TIL I DROP AFTER BB COMES OUT =DDD After i lose weight i mean O.O
PHILIPS hair curler! Going at $3 wtffff. I think i bought it at $79.90 or something. But then it came with a whole lot of attachment but i lost all of them but it still gives you nice curls! =D
Don't know how i got this watch in my beauty room but it looks like it can be a beautiful gift! Solar powered, all white, in original box and packaging with paper bag! =D Their official website say it's $65 =OOO Going off at.. $5. Really just clearing my room here before my Japan trip!!!
Err.. I try my best to show you the crazy load of new (as you can see, a lot of them are still intact and untouched in bags T.T) and worn once outfits on my upper and lower bunk bed O.O I think i have to stop spending like that when the baby come out hor..? But anyway maybe 30% of them are sent to me anyway!!! So i guess it's not THAT bad? HAHAHA.
Three drawers that i can't even close properly becox it's too full =XXX Sorry very tiring to snap pictures of them all one by one so i'd just bring all the nice ones (a lot of them are from Japanese labels and cost $30 - $100 over =XXX) You see that furry thing it's not towel hor. Hahaha.
It's a cute furry jacket i bought from a Japanese label. Wore it once to Japan only! It's going at $3!
More clothes from features just cox..  I don't repeat my outfits =X
PRETTY DRESSES I BOUGHT TO DRESS THE BUMP T___T I LOVE THEM ALL SO MUCH T.T Bought most of them from Lzzie T.T Quality damn good mostly $79 - $89. A few i bought that i haven't even wear so the tags are intact.. BUT I CANNOT WEAR ANYMORE cox my waistline is growing faster than i expect ='((( Anyway they are all in size M!!! Also Liz Lisa dress worn once to event! =D And as you can expect, i'm clearing them all out at $3 - $5 too!!!

So if you wanna grab yourself some skincare, makeup, accessories and LOADS of clothes for both male (Yutaki's booth) and female at crazy low prices.. I'd see you!!!

Please note that no carrier bags will be provided so bring your own bags!

Alright!!! SEE YOU!!! I AM SOOOOO EXCITED TO SEE MY WARDROBE CLEARED OUT FOR NEW CLOTHES hahahaha. Shit didn't i just told myself to watch my spending =X

DOESN'T MATTER LAH I'D JUST EARN MORE!!! And then spend more..

Haha! SEE YOU!

This Sunday (7th Dec)
Lucky Plaza Lvl 6
1 - 5pm

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