Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 12, 2014

LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil Series

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Hair soft and smooth.. Yet light as feather..

Pretty hard to achieve, agree?

If we wanna tame our hair we usually use moisturising haircare products on our hair.

Thing about most of the products in the market is.. It weighs our hair down!

So most of the time we end up we end up with oily, heavy and limp hair. Even if your hair is big and frizzy, sometimes near the crown it may still be imp and flat! With all the colouring and using of styling tools (hairdryer, hot iron etc) on our hair, we especially need to take care of our hair!
Now with LUCIDO-L’s latest range of the Argan Oil Series, you'd be able to achieve softer, silkier and shinier hair without the "side-effect" of heavy and limp hair!
And the (open) secret is.. ARGAN OIL.

Argan oil is also known as ‘liquid gold’ in the industry. It is an organic product extracted from the core of argan trees. And what it does is to repairs damaged hair and treats split ends as it has rich hydrating properties for our hair! Argan oil contains fatty acids and vitamin E which moisturises our hair and promotes healthy hair growth!

And as obvious as you could see.. The LÚCIDO-L new range of haircare products emphasizes on the benefits of argan oil!

On top of all the benefits that argan oil provides, one of the main reason i am attracted to LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil is the fruity floral fragrance!!!
Made up of apples, peaches, jasmine and more! Makes me wanna smell your hair all day~ O.O It's very very pleasant and i feel you can do without perfume even! Just this whole head of floral fruit garden on your hair is good enough! Haha!

You know the number 1 rule to haircare is for us to apply leave-on hair treatment after we step out of our bath becox after bath our hair cuticles are open so we gotta seal up the hair strands and prevent loss of moisture. If we don't do so, we'd find our hair really frizzy the next day. I would know. LOL.

But when i come to think about it.. One step to ensure i have nicer looking hair the next day.. That's pretty worth it cox i can look more presentable especially in pictures and at work cox i love to camho so much haha! Also, styling our hair becomes easier!!! So i think i'd apply haircare after shampooing at home next time!!!

Now the question is.. Which one is good for our hair type!

There is the LÚCIDO-L Hair Treatment Cream and Hair Treatment Jelly.
As you could see from the previous picture, LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil Hair Treatment Cream is of a richer texture and it's recommended for thick, coarse and damaged hair type. Its Moist-Keep Formulation prevents moisture loss from our hair while deeply moisturising our damaged hair ends. It also acts as heat protection so be sure to apply this before using styling tools!
LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil Hair Treatment Jelly is recommended for dry, thin and fine hair types. It is the ONLY jelly type argan oil hair product you could find and it's water-based, so you can be sure that as powerful as it is for hydrating your dry hair, it still remains light-weight on your hair!
My pick is the LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil EX Oil! It is suitable for all hair types! What is does is to deeply repairs hair and gives a healthy glow and softness to our hair!
 It is extremely lightweight, almost like a feather! Don't worry about hair damage under the sun after applying the LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil EX as it comes with UV protection =D
To show you exactly how light the texture is. It's almost like water! So it gets absorbed and spreads easily to coat each hair strand with a light and smooth finishing! This is why i especially love it! Cox it's sooooo light and so easy to apply! After that the fingers and hair don't feel oily / sticky at all!

So if you ask me is it hard to achieve feather-like soft and light hair that is soft, smooth and manageable? I would say yes!
Find the LÚCIDO-L Argan Oil Series at leading drugstores and supermarkets (Watsons, Guardian, NTUC, BHG, Meidiya). Styling your hair becomes a whole lot easier with LÚCIDO-L!

To get some samples to try them for yourselves, fill in your request HERE while stocks last! 
Go get yours today =D

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