A few things!!!
First of all~~~ rarebits just launched a new collection =DDD It took a while longer cox i was away in Korea right, and HO HO HO i forgot to bring MY laptop, NEVERMIND, Josh got bring his laptop also.
BUT you know what?!?! HO HO HO!!! On the third or fourth day into our trip.. Josh de laptop CRASHED!!! Really is hoseh liao!!! Lolol. So he had to go get it fixed. Thank god that even though it can't be fixed fully cox ALL the data got wiped out.. He manage to get it working again after spending $200 USD or so at the Apple shop in Seoul. So.. I could still do my blogging work using the laptop.. But all my rarebits pictures are in Singapore.
Sigh.. Macintosh used to be soooooo hardy. Like no virus, no shit. Now it's all crapping up. Don't work on it they confirm lose out the computer desktop / laptop market once Samsung is done whipping their ass taking over the phone market lol. WHY do i care about their multi-billion businesses.
I was talking about rarebits. My business. Lololol. So new launch, right.
Colourful spring is hereeee =DDD So "SPRING IT ON~!!!!!"
Quite a lot of spunk and fun in this collection ^.^
I never particularly fancy anything skull but even i like this pink vain skull! Haha. Dolled up with flowers on its... Skull. Lol. Also the hairband showed in this picture can be worn as a choker too!
Kitty meows hidden in pretty floral prints! =DDD Comes in pastel lemon and blue ^.^
UNICORNS!!! =DDD In multi-colour sprinkled all over these basic tops!
For the ladies who love feminine dresses~ This cut-off shoulder dress would be super pretty for your weekend brunches i think ^.^ Shop shop shop away now~
Shop now:
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Next thing is..
Can i have you girls send me your pictures if you're keen for a makeover?
It'd be featured in QWeekly ^.^ I really really really enjoy doing makeover for people and don't say what, i might not be very good with makeup and hair and stuff but among all my girlfriends like Gem, Zhen, Mich and among all my sisters, i am the best already lololol. And i LOVE to do makeover for them. Lol.
I enjoy doing it cox i feel good if someone looks better after a makeover and i also feel proud of my own "work" lah lol. And mostly cox it's really fun to do makeover for people!!! ^.^
I am still asking Cleo Hairmake if they wanna sponsor the hairdo part but Samantha is overseas so i'd wait for her to come back and ask Shio!!! =D If they say yes, good for you girls! Cox Shio is known for having 神の手 which means God's Hands. Lololol. Whatever shit hair he touched become chio looking voluminous airy hair like those you see in Japanese magazine. So fingers crossed! =D
So yeah lah, now i also can't take much pictures of myself cox everyday i have the nose splint on except during shower time and i cannot be taking pictures of myself showering O.O Lolol. So.
I wanna doll people up if i can't doll myself up now!!! =DDD I bought soooooo much makeup and stuff from Korea i wanna USE IT USE IT USE IT!!! But i havenn't had makeup on me for the longest time already. Like.. Since.. 5th of March =OOO
So anyway~ If you're keen to have a makeover done by me, please drop me an email at qiutinger @ gmail . com
With your pictures. Erm.. It's hard to say this gently but PLEASE DONT SEND ME PICTURES LIKE THESE.
Picture of yourself in the most zoomed-in + angled angle. Lol. I can't see shit how you look like exactly and Friendster day is over. So you can still send these cox i know they look cute but please also include pictures of your face proper lol. Also..
Please don't send me pictures like this.. I am not doing a makeover on your phone casing lolol.
I know i might sound a bit rude but really.. Over the years i've asked people to send in their pictures, be it to help my friend looking for talent / model, or to search for my blogshop model, i have people sending me these kind of pictures. Like one time, a girl sent me 15 pictures of her self-shots, in different outfits, in the mirror, with the phone casing covering 90% of her face in ALL the pictures.
I was like.. @.@ Whaaaat? Lolol.
Okay so now you know! Please feel free to send me your pictures! Looking for four girls to kickstart this pet project of mine =D I can't wait!!! =DDD Email me! qiutinger @ gmail . com
If you're in Singapore of course it'd be easy but if you're overseas then we'd work on chance okay! Like if you're coming to Singapore for a holiday or something.
I am setting the photoshoot date at end of March! ^.^
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