The whole concept you need to grasp from this post is "DOUBLE" is better.
Double also means twice. Twice, would naturally means? Double.
Do i have to say this twice to make you understand?
Do i have to say this twice to make you understand?
Lolol. I could do this all day long.
Lolol. I could do this all day long.
Okay maybe i am losing the concept. Double does not mean duplicate LOL.
YOU MUST MUST MUST read this post carefully (maybe no need like VERY carefully cox you know me, i blabber, a lot, yeah, quite a lot lolol =X) becox you stand a chance to..
WIN one of FIVE Canon CAMERAS!!!!!!!
Each worth $499!!!
New cameras are always welcomed ^.^
Kaplan Higher Education Institute brought in the most extensive courses from Murdoch University, Western Australia!
This partnership brings to Singapore a wide variety of Double Major Degree programmes including those that have previously never been offered in any local university – Cyber forensics and Information Security-related courses. Yeap, unique courses you can only find at Kaplan!!!
And wait, Cyber Forensics?! Sounds interesting to me!!! I imagine you learn kind of like top secret agency thing, and the computer screen is see through, like floating in the air. Lol.
Murdoch University is committed to innovation and quality higher education that can be applied on a global level.
So in short, if you're considering taking up a degree at an environment where people care about you and encourages you to be better, where you pick up knowledge that is constantly updated and learn them in a way that's innovative and engaging PLUS at the end of the day, own a cert (or two!!!) that is recognised, you should really consider a double degree at Kaplan as your top choice!
So yeah, i was saying, a cert.. OR TWO!!!
Yes! Why not TWO! =DDD
If you are one who believes in the power of knowledge and knows that with knowledge through learning, you can reach places you want to be. Places in life.
Be it to get a better job position, to work in a company that is related to your interest(s), to earn all the big bucks in the world, to learn knowledge to start and run your own business etc..
So if you know you need a degree to achieve the goals in your life, then i'm here to suggest, since you're already thinking of doing it, why don't you take a DOUBLE Major degree!!!
Kaplan offers a wide choice of DOUBLE Major degree!!! More on that in a bit!
Now you have to grasp the concept that everything in life is better in double!
Look at this video i did!!!
My take on why double is ALWAYS better! Double of everything good, imagine that!!! =D
Some shots from the video ^.^
I ate so much lol.
Ah you believe me now that you MUST watch the video?! =D Yes please!
So you see, everything is better in double!With Double Major degree, you get DOUBLE career opportunities!
You have DOUBLE the edge over most people when it comes to job prospect.
And down to it all, you have TWICE the knowledge about things you have interest in!
Alright, i leave you to think about it! Imagine all the things you think you can do in life, all the places you think you may arrive at, all the wonderful jobs you can get, take that, and multiply it with TWICE the possibilites!!!
Where can you get to now?! Don't know! Lol. Almost limitless. Okay lah maybe you cannot be astronaut / Hollywood superstar by getting a double major degree at Kaplan. Lolol. Other than that i think you're well- covered. Haha ^.^
Some of the interesting DOUBLE Majors degrees offered at Kaplan that i noticed from the HUGE range of list. Listed below are just some of what i saw in their Part-time programme. This is especially great for people who have a job but would still like to persue a Double Major degree.
They have a list for their Full-time programs as well, click HERE to find out more!
Bachelor of Commerce in Finance and Marketing
Bachelor of Commerce in International Business and Hospitality & Tourism Management
Bachelor of Communication in Communication & Media Studies and Public Relations
Bachelor of Arts in Tourism & Events and Hospitality & Tourism Management
Bachelor of Commerce in Hospitality & Tourism Management and Public Relations
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Communication & Media Studies
Bachelor of Science in Cyber-Forensics, Information Security, Management and Computer Science
Saw anything you might be keen in? Don't decide just yet!!! There's MORE on their site! Find something that suit your career path and interest best!
Who knows, if you pick Bachelor of Communication & Media Studies and Public Relations, you might end up being my client paying me for blog advertorials. Lolol. BE NICE. Hahaha.
Kaplan offer DOUBLE Major degrees for almost anything in Accounting & Finance, Business & Management, Communications & Media, Hospitality & Tourism Management, Humanities & Social Science and last but not least, Information Technology. Find out more HERE!
You ask, HOW TO WIN THE CAMERA?!?!?!
Here's how you can win the Take Double with Murdoch@Kaplan contest!
The contest revolves around one idea, DOUBLE!!! Show how and why "Double" is good!
Simply snap any picture of yourself or anything that expresses the concept of Double
Add in a caption that has the word “double” or “twice” to the photo
Log on to THIS WEBSITE and complete the sumbission.
That's it! =D
The best photo/ picture will walk away a Canon camera worth $499.
There's gonna be a total of 5 winners.
Contest ends 27 Jul 2012
Me trying ^.^
"Double kisses double happiness"
"Oh double-me you so ohsum too?!" Lolol.
"Double five - Perfect ten!"
"Takes two to make Love and double the joy!"
For more information on Double Major degree and how you can win the camera, visit HERE
Imagine twice the opportunities and possibilities in your life that you can explore.. Enjoy life!
"Takes two to make Love and double the joy!"
So alright! Snap a picture, caption it with "twice" or "double" and submit your entry!!!
Easy peasy!!!!! =DDD
I hope you win one of the five the camera ^.^ Ask your friend/ family to join also!!! More entries, more chances to win right! =D
Good luck lah!
For more information on Double Major degree and how you can win the camera, visit HERE
Imagine twice the opportunities and possibilities in your life that you can explore.. Enjoy life!
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