Thứ Hai, 5 tháng 1, 2015

Babymoon in Japan Part 3

Back for a quick continual for my babymoon trip! =D Making every trip to worthwhile hahaha!

Went to Harajuku with Mich and Josh ^.^
I've never taken pictures in any purikura machines in Japan before so this is my first =DDD
Lighting very nice so snap a few more on my own cam first haha.
Lol what face was i doing.
YAY our first purikura with bb!!! =DDD Josh don't wanna take becox he say it'd be weird if he has big round eyes and pink blushing cheeks LOL.
Kawaii deshou?!
My friend happy will show gummy teeth one hahahahahaha.
I love curry rice so much i have to keep eating it O.O Random curry don shop we pop in beside Liz Lisa i think! YUMMY!
Actually this is snack becox we supposed to meet Cheesie for dinner like right after. So two plates for three of us. But then i guess i had one full plate myself O.O
Good food is sometimes not meant for sharing O.O LOL.
Beautiful. Then as the car ride along to our next destination for the famous light-up show..
Pregger here fell asleep like a boss. I don't know when they snapped this but then..
When they were closing in for a happy group shot i just woke up and was sucking in my saliva maybe. LOL. I have such good friends. And look at how much Junya looks like a 小馒头!!! ♥︎
Cheesie letting Junya suckle on strawberries. He loves it wor!!! Kept going for it haha.
Happy group shot where no one is left behind looking retarded hahaha.
How come we look cuter on Cheesie's camera. Becox my camera suck that's why. And LOL at Junya's disgusted face HAHAHA! "Wth in a mall only also must camho!" 在嫌弃我们吗?
"没有啊~" Pretend he didn't diss us just now. Lol.
Super mesmerising lightup show!!!
And then we go for dinner!!! Before dinner cannot help it must snap pictures of our white strawberry!!! It says on the label that it has the smell of first love. HAHAHA.
Strawberry-Strawberry? Lolol. They taste sweeter i feel!!!
Cheesie say must camho and make every cent worth. Cox if you buy individually one strawberry is about $10 SGD. HAHAHA. We bought a box so one works out to about $4.50 only!
Ichigo Sistos O.O
CUTE BU?!?!?!
Only so perfect in Japan.
First love in my hands.
Okay lah enough liao.
Apparently not.
We got two huge boxes of Japanese strawberries so how is enough ever enough!!!
Stole lotsa pictures from Cheesie! HELLO four of us!!! Cox bb is showing through my bump haha!
Sorry we just cannot stop *cue Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop*
I LOVE THIS!!! Red, pink, white strawberries!!! =DDD
Cheesie say even bite into it must camho LOL!! She really squeeze every bit out of the strawberries.
My DINNER WAS AWESOME BY THE WAY!!! It's some family-friendly place i think?! Don't know name Ootoya or Ootaya! But this black vinegar chicken i had wassoooo good! Whatever Cheesie recommends, you just eat!!! Cannot go wrong. Hahaha.
Next day we make a trip to the toilet. On the way to Hakone with Cheesie and her danna!!! This is the pit stop toilet CAN YOU BELIEVE LAH. Even more posh than the last one i saw =O With lights to tell you availability and i think maybe only missing an obasan to make appointment for you only.
With vanity corner and actually there's a kiddy corner in the toilet also =OOO I think it's for the convenience of mums who need to handle their kids business in the toilet. Super thoughtful T.T
Makeshift baby chair for Junya. Josh's scarf around his belly and soft jacket as his back rest hahaha.
"I like it!" Hahah! Hamsum boy never change the way he smile one!
SO CHARMING when he was less than a month old! Now also smile like that! Like this gentleman who is so polite haha!
One before our food come!
Cheesie and her omu rice! Cheesie in Japan don't know is it become extra 贪吃 hahahah. I see how she eats her danna food nevermind, and then everybody's food she also very happy to eat HAHA and then got this =DDDDD face when offered food LOL #CheesieInJapan = #EATEVERYTHING
Hi i am so predictable. But it is so good also T.T
Ending the post with a picture of Junya when Josh was trying out his camera haha.

Okay lah that's all! this post was really just making the strawberries worth haha!

Work is starting to pile up again so imma go do as much as i can =D TTYL~

Hope everyone's new year is starting good!!! =DDD

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