Yes, M'am! Right away~! *turbo wheel off to grab lipbalm* And then post another picture immediately without dry lips?!
It's not even like i don't know lipbalm will help. And it's not like in every goddamn picture of mine, i have dry lips. It's just maybe i didn't apply lipbalm at the time when i snap that picture.
So no need you to say, I KNOW HOW I CAN FIX IT AND I WILL WHEN I SONG.
Like this lady, who commented on the ONE freaking time i intentionally draw my brows extra thick and arch and dark (and i wrote about drawing it extra dark intentionally for filming in the caption!!!), for Budget Barbie filming cox we were doing something vintage.
Sure, thanks for the makeup tips, makeup guru =)
LIKE SERIOUSLY?! She MIGHT (thou highly unlikely) have meant well for me to draw my brows lighter or whatever but i am pretty sure we can all agree her approach was rude and not reading my caption to understand that i drew it that way for filming.. It shows a lot about her.
That she simply wanna leave a rude comment.
And then next day when i posted a picture of my normal makeup, she came back to comment say it's much better.. I hope she didn't think i took her advice cox no one would take makeup advice from her.
And my point here is to tell people, DON'T GEH KIANG. Don't be a smart alec, going around acting like you know better and giving people suggestions in a rude way, at least not before you find out whether that girl needs it or not. Like if you browse through my pictures, and all of it my brows suck, then okay. Give me a kind suggestion if you really have to.
But obviously most of my recent pictures i have decent brows ah!!! 讲废话 还以为自己很厉害.
And then another time, i posted a instavideo of 3 of my favourite lipstick colours. And this happened.
Beauty expert here left me a comment.
Did you say you can see acne? Yeah, well.
How does that feel? And by the way, those two pus-y acne definitely look more acne-y than the milia seeds and old ance scars on my face. You gave me some good advice, now use it on yourself.
On top of returning you your advice for me, i give you complimentary advice, BOTOX those jaws.
The least qualified people telling you what to do!!!!!!!!
It's like a 2/10 dishing out advice to you (let's say you're a 6/10) on how to be a 10/10.
Like, you didn't even think/ say that you are 10/10 nor do you think you can be a 10/10.
But that's what people expect you to be, 10/10, all the time.
Always moisturised lips, always properly stuck on eyelash, always porcelain face, always perfectly groomed brows, always smooth hair, always wearing ironed clothes (lolol this one i anyhow add one thou you probably should iron your clothes if not you'd look untidy like me O.O).
But i'd tell you now. Even if you're ever 10/10, people are still gonna have shit to nitpick about you.
Even if i moisturise my lips, they gonna say the shape looks weird.
Even if i condition my hair everyday and it looks smooth, they gonna say the hair colour sucks.
Even if i stick on the eyelashes properly, they gonna say i am pretending to be Japanese but fail.
Even if i have clear skin, they gonna say i still look like shit overall after surgery.
You get my point. Nothing can please people who chose to be unhappy with you.
I'm sure if not all, most of us do.
But i definitely will not go to their turf and leave them rude shit comments thinking nothing will happen to me. Some thoughts, you keep it to yourself / share it with your close friends and family, ENOUGH ALREADY. Don't need to tell it to that person! Just bitch about it among yourselves, done.
If you think being rude, ill-mannered and untactful is a good strong straightforward character, then god bless you. Straightforwardness you save it for people whom you love. Or for people who initiate to bother you aggressively.
I didn't go bother you to ask you to look at my picture nor did i force you to follow me. So if you choose to look at it / choose to follow me, you can of course still think shit of me, but you cannot come and leave me a rude comment becox i didn't' ask for it.
Okay to be clear, you CAN leave me a rude comment, if you private your account or remain as a humji anonymous. Lolol.
Then i LL right? Becox then i can never get back at you cox this is the price i am prepared to pay for putting myself out there, i know. But if you don't private your pictures and you want to comment shit, then you better be prepared if and when i wanna retaliate.
Like this girl who scolded me "Asian slut" and then after i tell her off she deleted the comment and then pretended that it's not her and then continue to insult me.
I went to her profile and i saw these.
Sure she is pretty but if you give each of us a mirror..
This is how we'd look individually.
Me - Married after dating the same guy for 7 years. Neat tidy hair with taitai beehive crown which signifies stability lol, approachable smile, long sleeve knit wear, won't steal your bf.
Her - Swinging single, pubbing and boozing a lot (you'd see if you visit her page and if you see what her friends tag her in. Yeah, i sometimes have too much time lol) and calls other girls a slut outrightly.
Had you given us both a mirror, she would know that commenting "Asian slut" on my picture was a bad call. And when people say she's just jealous (which i don't think she is, she's just rude), she say why would she be, since i can't even do my makeup properly. Oh yeah? Whatever. At least i don't lick my own pussy. No i mean it, she actually does it for real. Look!
It would have been a nice picture had you kept your tongue in, Cassey!
No really, keep your tongue in.
In case you think i am bullying her.. No i am not, i am simply acceding to her request.
She posted this on her instagram to taunt me. Note what her friend tagged her in? Lol.
Limpeh haven't put up your picture on instagram (becox i learnt my lesson that that will invite much more stupid people and comments if i do cox most of them are all about the BEING THE BIGGER PERSON shit) you put up mine. Swee.
Being the bigger person is a policy that's been abused and overrated. I DO IT IF I'M IN A GOOD MOOD. If i'm in a bad mood, then you better be sorry for being the smaller rude person you are.
In any case, she probably doesn't care becox i bet you a hundred bucks, if she engage in a fight with me, she's just gonna call me a chink or a chong and ask me to serve her some dimsum since she thinks i'm from Hong Kong. Yeah well, dimsum's run out.
Everyday people nitpick on my this my that, which is FINE. REALLY.
But they HAVE TO, they just die die have to leave a comment for me. And i feel especially undignified if they really look quite sad and bad themselves. Like, you 2/10 you work on yourself first lah.
Don't worry about my lips or hair, a lipbalm cost me $5 max. My hair services and products are all sponsored.
How much will it take for you to fix your own flaws?
I guess A LOT. Cox you gotta fix deep down beneath the skin too.
So don't tell me my lips suck, my hair suck, my brows suck..
Your WHOLE THING then suck. Okay. 你整个人才 suck okay.
At least i am not rude to people..
Unless provoked.
URGH. I just feel so frustrated. Everything is like.. You don't care and then things goes wrong, so you'd have to care. And then you care too much, it'd go to a point where you just can't care about it anymore. But you can never give up.
Don't let them off easily. 有没有听过 杀一儆百.
And yeah, you're right, i don't see superstars scolding their haters.
GUESS WHAT?! I AM JUST A BLOGGER and even if one day i be something else, i will still pounce on every rude fella.
Bitch, maybe. Ugly.. Oh no no no.. You didn't. Come here, i want your blood *claws out*
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