After the show me and Cheesie and Josh went to have dinner and walk around Harajuku =DDD
Cheesie introduced this crepe i think it's "Angels Hearts" or something! IT'S VERY YUMMY AH! I had the chocolate banana and whipped cream one!!! =DDD And it was Cheesie's treat haha.
So she deserve a chio picture lol. Love this picture of her cox she look so happy and cute ^.^V
Act cute. Sigh, my eyelashes were giving up lolol. Actually in this picture Cheesie don't know give up or just having her most usual problem, ONE CONTACT LENS screw up. Lolol. So she removed one contact lens. So i had to copy from one eye to the other lolol. Challenging me is it.
We also had some REALLY good Japanese BBQ skewers. OMG OMG OMG i didn't get a picture of it but they have skewer quail eggs O.O INSIDE THE YOLK IS MELTY ONE!!!! HOW?!?!?!?!? I mean melty normal eggs is pretty common but QUAIL EGGS?! So small size how they control!
Some grilled chicken topped with mentaiko sauce @.@ IT WAS SO GOOD SO JUICY AND SO FLAVOURFUL we had two serving ^.^ Actually i'd order more but it takes 15 minutes to be cooked.
And then later we went to Cafe76 at Omotesando ^.^ Where i discovered that warm milk + honey is one of the best combi lol. And we went off to wait around for her danna to end work..
Then four of us head out for yakiniku =DDD Josh must have waited really long for this! Lol. And as you can see.. I already drew on mouse nose for EMODA after party lol. It was nearing Halloween!
Then Cheesie came all.. Batty. Lolol. With the foxy bib dress she somehow look younger lol.
If you're thinking "Lame, why she show us shredded vege" PLEASE KNOW THAT THIS IS THE ONE AND ONLY SHREDDED CABBAGE I EAT!!! I also don't know the Japanese did what to it but the vegetables taste a little sweet + the tangy sauce make it all good and refreshing O.O
And then they BBQ their beef away. The only pork they have is pork stomach lolol it was definitely not something i like lolol. Sooooo...
EGG SOUP IT IS! Haha. Actually i very happy!!! Got egg and got nice shredded cabbage! And i ate a lot of rice O.O I think i might have had one extra bowl of rice to go with the soup. Did i, Cheesie?!
More beef *sian face emoji* Lolol. Josh really enjoyed it thou!!! He is a beef lover!
Then me and Cheesie went outside the shop wanting to take a dead-face shot cox Halloween right. But both keep laughing lolol. Josh was snapping pictures for us but Cheesie de danna keep doing funny stuff i cannot lolol. You see this Cheesie also cannot!!! Lolol.
After MANY fail shots lolol finally one no-smile one.
^.^ You can see Cheesie de heels damn high right. Plus her two hair buns she become damn proud she taller than me hahaha. Give you lah give you lah.
❤ ❤ ❤
Then it's time to head for EMODA after party~!!! It was sooooooo crowded!!! The bar! And sooooo many people were queuing just wanting to get in but it was a EMODA special event so heng we got VIP pass! Felt quite superior for like a few minutes lololol. Then nevermind.. After entering, we realise our invite grants even more exclusive entrance to the EMODA VIP party room!!!
Whole bar and dance floor was flooded with people here for EMODA but one room just for the VIP guests ^.^ Thank you ah, Apparel Web and EMODA ^.^
Whole bar and dance floor was flooded with people here for EMODA but one room just for the VIP guests ^.^ Thank you ah, Apparel Web and EMODA ^.^
Found Yoshi San in the VIP room bobbing away lolol =D He's as usual super friendly ^.^
Me and Cheesie. I left earlier and she stayed on and when we were there, we both noticed got one girl dressed up as a poodle for Halloween, in the VIP room. And then later Cheesie told me she found out from Ena that that girl who dressed up as a poodle was..
Cheesie later sent me this picture!!! This is the cute poodle i was talking about!!! Ena and Lena O.O
My favourite face always always always on Vivi ^.^ Lena Fujii omg!!! And Cheesie could have been introduced to her!!! That lucky woman!!! But i am happy enough that for one moment i'm in the same room as her hahaha ^.^ =DDDDD And then later me and Josh went back to the hotel..
I saw him holding these biscuits and cookies and i ask "Why you take Cheesie's cookies! Her friend give her one leh!!" He's like "Oh.. I help her just now ma, her heels were so high so i lent her a hand" and i'm like "Still!!!" Lolol where got like this one, help people must take people's cookies! But i'm glad he did =X Becox the cookies were sooooo yummy!!! Hahaha!!! I ate two. He ate one. Lololol.
Then later me and Josh went to the mini mart again ^.^ It's one of my favourite thing to do in Japan!!
Okay that's all for now!
Chinese New Year is here i hope you and your family be well and good! And have lotsa money rolling rolling rolling in =D And i wish that you all be healthy and happy =)
I really am just trying to get a as much rest as i can becox i haven't been feeling too well! But yoho~!!! February is super awesome so far!!! Got lotsa assignments coming in and that means..
Sooner i can cash out again from Nuffnang =DDD Haha. Confirm can 过个大肥年 this year ^.^
Alright.. Eat lots, drink lots of water, gamble a little, win a lot =D
Sorry for the influx of ads before this =X I will be back with more updates!!! ^.^
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